A lei do mais fraco


    Terror-em-Nice-300x285O mundo continua terrificado com os ataques do terrorismo islâmico, como aquele do caminhão assassino matando gente satisfeita e inocente que numa avenida de Nice observava despreocupada o fim da feeria de fogos de artifício celebrando o 14 de julho comemorativo da Revolução Francesa.

    Até agora, 84 pessoas mortas e 202 feridas. O Estado Islâmico reivindicou o ato terrorista e qualificou de “soldado” Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel: “O autor da operação é um soldado do Estado Islâmico. Executou a operação em resposta aos chamados para atacar cidadãos dos países da coalizão internacional que lutam contra o EI no Iraque e na Síria”.

    Provavelmente haverá outros atentados suicidas nas semanas e meses pela frente. Foi essa, por sinal, a advertência de Manuel Valls, primeiro-ministro francês: “A partir de agora a ameaça terrorista é uma questão central, durável, outras vidas serão ceifadas. Devo a verdade aos franceses, o terrorismo fará parte de nossa vida por muito tempo. O risco zero não existe, afirmar o contrário seria mentir aos franceses”.

    Pelas circunstâncias, aqui tem peso enorme o argumento de autoridade. Razões de natureza diferente vão na mesma direção. O Estado Islâmico está perdendo territórios, em especial depois que ataques demolidores da Força Aérea norte-americana estão desobstruindo os caminhos para a reconquista terrestre por tropas iraquianas. Já caiu Fallujah; não demora, Mossul será reconquistada. O califado, tudo o indica, tem seus dias contados. Mas não o movimento jihadista que o fundou; e ele precisa mostrar poder, energia, vida. É razoável supor que, para se manter no panorama, recorrerá cada vez mais a atentados suicidas.

    Nesse particular, a França é escolha óbvia. Tem enorme população francesa muçulmana, de segunda e terceira geração, dispersa em periferias empobrecidas e de alta criminalidade, alvo fácil do proselitismo jihadista. Não são refugiados nem imigrantes, são cidadãos franceses, falam francês, despertam menos suspeitas. Houve ali oito atentados nos últimos meses. Outras escolhas óbvias: enxameiam em todo o Ocidente os soft targets: praças e ruas lotadas de gente, com pouca possibilidade efetiva de policiamento.

    O Estado Islâmico quis matar os 84? Quis suas propriedades? Não lhe importa a vida e a propriedade das vítimas. Contudo, não é cega a violência, tem objetivo psicológico e moral: amolecer resistências aos fins visados por seus dirigentes. Modo diferente, criar insegurança, disseminar mentalidades derrotistas. Desorientada, abatida e dispersa, a maioria acomodatícia aceitará acordos calamitosos diante de forças fortemente minoritárias, organizadas e inescrupulosas, em geral com pouca capacidade de expansão.

    É tática nova? Antiga, recorrente e atual. Está sendo aplicada, de momento com êxito, na Colômbia. Foi aplicada com razoável sucesso pelos líderes da Revolução Francesa, tornando viável a vitória da Gironda (a corrente de programa moderado), aceita ou tolerada por grandes setores da opinião aterrorizados com a aplicação do programa da Montanha (os setores radicalizados).

    Curioso, não vi ninguém chamar a atenção para o paradoxal da cena de Nice. Os comentários contrastavam “liberdade, igualdade, fraternidade” com o morticínio, mas silenciaram sobre os métodos que asseguraram a vitória do lema. Vou aproveitar e pôr pingos em cima de alguns is.

    Nenhum historiador sério esconde, a Revolução Francesa utilizou o terror maciço e de certa forma por meio dele se consolidou. Digamos, de 1789 até 1794, para firmar a Revolução, os revolucionários fuzilaram cerca de 30 mil, guilhotinaram perto de 20 mil, dizimaram centenas de milhares de franceses opositores. Só na Vendeia, mais de 200 mil. A carta do general Westermann à Convenção (o poder em Paris) celebrando a vitória contra oposicionistas ficou na História como macabra e elucidativa expressão da sinistra tática: “A Vandeia já não existe mais. Morreu debaixo de nossa espada livre, com suas mulheres e suas crianças. Acabou a Vendeia, cidadãos republicanos, acabei de enterrá-la nos pântanos e nos bosques de Savenay, seguindo as ordens que recebi de vós. Esmaguei as crianças debaixo das patas dos cavalos, massacrei as mulheres para que não mais deem à luz bandidos. Não tenho um prisioneiro a me pesar na consciência, matei todos”.

    *       *      *

    O terror continuou como meio de intimidação e conquista. O governo de Napoleão, no período de estabilização da Revolução Francesa. O Consulado, de forma ilegal e inescrupulosa, raptou na Alemanha e depois de julgamento sumário fez fuzilar em março de 1804 na fortaleza de Vincennes o duque d´Enghien, então com 31 anos, primo do rei exilado Luís XVIII. Para quê? Inibir reações. Parte da oposição, intimidada, passaria a aceitar acordos que ainda salvassem alguma coisa da ordem antiga.

    Foi o que fez Lênin, de igual modo assim agiu Stalin, E também Hitler. Agora, cientes da utilização do terror em episódios históricos, temos diante de nós o terror sistemático do islamismo radicalizado. O efeito, com o tempo, diante do medo, desorientação e caos, poderá ser a disseminação muito ampla de mentalidade derrotista. Homens de mentalidade derrotista cedem facilmente para supostamente evitar o pior. É o ceder muito para não perder tudo. Isso aconteceu com efeitos desastrosos no passado. A fórmula correta aponta rumo oposto: o terror é arma chantagista dos mais fracos. Evitando concessões suicidas, a reação lúcida e enérgica é o único caminho de salvação.



      2 Votes

      More evidence is emerging that the Nice terror attack was a false flag job used by President Francois Hollande as a pretext to extend martial law.



      Pictures of the van used in the terror attack show the front windscreen on the passenger side is riddled with bullets, fuelling speculation that the scene was staged later when the real driver was in safety.



      At any rate the pattern of bullet impacts is not in harmony with the official version. This says police surrounded the van and shot the driver. But that would mean bullet impacts should be seen on the windscreen on the driver’s side, not the passenger side.

      Also, there is no sign that police tried to shoot out the tyres, which would be the obvious strategy for bringing a van to a halt.

      In fact, papers found in the van are the only “proof” offered that the driver as the official suspect, a 31 year old French man of Tunisian origin. But anyone could have put these ID papers in the van to pin the blame on a “Muslim” and push the Globalist religious and race war agenda.

      Live mainstream news coverage also mentions eye witnesses seeing four trucks and no gunfire being heard.

      It also remains a mystery how the van was able to get through barriers to the promenade closed for pedestrians and spectators during the 14th July celebration unless it was an inside job.

      It is not clear why it took police and firemen so long to get to the scene when martial law was in place, meaning there should have been a large police presence at public assemblies.

      At any rate, President Francois Hollande immediately blamed the Nice attack on terrorists and ordered martial law, which was due to expire on 26 July 2016, to be extended for another three months.

      But what is the point of martial law if it does not protect people from “terror” attacks as the Nice attack shows?


      1 Votes

      Angela Merkel yesterday refused to change her open doors policy in spite of a week of Islamic attacks by migrant, fuelling fears that she intends to use the attacks as a pretext to impose martial law.

      In an indirect admission that she can no longer guarantee security, Merkel announced the German army will participate in large scale, anti terror drills with the police from August.




      Europe urgently needs a framework, a plan to deal with the threat posed by the actions of Angela Merkel before the crisis reaches catastrophic proportions. When Europeans consider the choices for averting martial law, civil war and disaster immediately, recent history can be a useful prism, offering examples.

      Merkel’s declaration that she intends to deploy the German army on domestic marks the latest phase of a agenda she has been pursuing for the past year on behalf of special banking and corporate interests.

      In the first phase of the plan, Merkel helped create a permanent source of religious tension, ethnic and economic conflict by inviting into Germany huge numbers of migrants from a hostile and extremist Islamic group. She has created a climate of violence by ignoring warnings from German police and intelligence chiefs that thousands of Islamic terrorists were entering the country after infiltrating the flows of migrants.

      The spate of terror attacks last week in Germany, many of which are clearly staged, mark the second phase in an unfolding Globalist plan to implode Germany and Europe.

      As these attacks escalate, Merkel can use the army to crush her own people and impose full scale martial law, something that will provoke civil war, which she could use to install herself as a total dictator.

      It’s worth recalling that Adolf Hitler was also democratically elected leader like Merkel who morphed into a fully fledged dictator piece by piece through false flag terror attacks such as the Reichstag fire, which occurred when security stood down.

      Merkel did not consult parliament before announcing her plans yesterday to use the army to combat terror in Germany in another sign of her authoritarian bent.

      That Merkel intends to use the army and police to protevt the Islamic terrorists can be gleaned from the great lengths her government and the state controlled mainstream media went to portray the Islamic attacker in Munich Ali David Sonboli as a right wing extremist.

      In addition, the Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen has unveiled plans to allow non Germans to be recruited into the army, opening the door to the enlistment of tens of thousands of soldiers with Islamic background.

      A critical mass of factors are, in fact, combining to create a dangerous situation, which could soon lead to the total collapse of Germany and Europe. A scenario which would have been unthinkable even a years ago has now become probable.

      First, Isil terrorists created and controlled ultimately by Washington have poured into Europe and are continuing to pour in.

      The recent false flag attacks in Nice and Munich show that they are being helped in their attacks with the intelligence, weapons and logistics of rogue elements in the government, secret services and probably NATO.

      Second, massive numbers of hostile and extremist Islamic groups are entering into Germany and Europe at the time of a deepening economic crisis. Budget constraints will mean that the German state will, and probably at some time soon, no longer be able feed and house the millions of migrants on its territory, creating a society with a predisposition to economic conflict in addition to religious and ethnic conflict.

      Third, the threat of the German state’s economic collapse comes at the same time as the financial collapse of Deutsche Bank and Italy’s banks could impoverish tens of millions of private individuals.

      If Germany implodes into religious and ethnic violence, civil war, against a background of mass impoverishment and dictatorship, then it will send shockwaves throughout Europe.

      What options are there for stopping the spiral of violence and conflict? What lessons does history give?

      A historian or strategist can immediately see there are options for turning the engineered Islamic invasion into something favourable for destroying the Globalists themselves.

      The attempt by Claus von Stauffenberg to end the second world war by assasinating Adolf Hitler and implementing Valkyrie is an interesting historical case.

      Strategies focusing on fighting Isil terrorists are doomed since there are in the meantime so many in our midst. Europe is facing a much broader threat. Europe is facing an engineered invasion in the interests of the Globalists and orchestrated terrorist attacks. To be effective in thwarting this attack, Europeans need to focus on the organizers or fixers pulling the strings in the background.

      The very same tactics that the Globalist use on the people of Europe could, in fact, highly theoretically as recent history shows, be used against them.

      Targeting Globalists for false flag Isil terrorist attacks using their own methods would be a brutal but likely effective strategy for neutralizing the threat they pose, and so be a key part of plan that a hard boiled military strategist considering historical examples might develop.

      Under this hypothetical scenario, small cells of two or three individuals could need to work together in total secrecy to develop plans to knock out Globalists. Surveillance is omnipotent and plants are already active in opposition groups.

      If we presuppose such an approach, and such cells were inside the army and police and had access to weapons, intelligence and support, it would increase the chances of a successful blitz against the Globalists with every attack blamed on Isil.

      After all, as any strategist must agree, is it not more likely that Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel, Ursula von der Leyen Alexis Tsipras should be the targets of “Islamic terror” as the architects and

      supporters of NATO wars? Is it not more likely that NATO bases, the Vatican, European Commission and European Central Bank and other banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan as well as media outlets like ARD and ZDF would be the targets of Islamic terror?

      After every terror attack, an Islamic flag or Syrian ID could in this hypothetical counter terrorism strategy be left beside the blown up car, bombed out government building or tattered shoes of Francoise Hollande, for example, to identify the terrorists as unequivocably Islamic.

      Police and army could be briefed to turn a blind eye when “Isil terrorists” escape, erase CCTV video footage and generally make it impossible to find them, supposing there is any genuine search in the first place.

      An information campaign targetting the police and army could be launched to raise awareness of the nature of the threat and the culprits, although the German police already seem to be pretty clued in and it is not difficult to imagine any attack on Merkel being greeted with a round of applause.

      Any government officials who investigate can be eliminated by using the very same smear campaigns and false accusations that the Globalists themselves use against opponents. For example, any interior ministry official who turns up to investigate missing CCTV footage can be accused of molesting a male police man on duty in the backroom, and placed under immediate arrest.

      A covert twitter, facebook and social media campaign in Arabic and Farsi could also encourage genuine Islamic terrorists to direct their ire against the likes of Hollande and Merkel, giving detailed maps of their residence, schedule. Attacks against Globalists could be portrayed as especially worthy of honour in the Arab world with bitcoin rewards offered.

      The public outrage generated by any “Islamic” attack against figures like Merkel and Hollande could be magnified by a social media campaign, then, be used to make an immediate push to change policies, close borders and promote a push to deport all Islamic terrorists from northern Europe just as Switzerland is planning to do.

      Neutralizing the Globalist figures using false flag Islamic terror would also act as a deterrent for any counter strikes against leading figures of the opposition or the people.

      The Globalists have to understand the principle of deterrence. Every strike at innocent people or opposition will lead to a blitz against them.

      Violence that alienates the vast majority of law abiding and peaceful Muslim citizens should be avoided. Ethnic and religious tensions need to be deescalated to reduce the risk of civil war.

      Once the Globalists are neutralized, the terrorists deported, their policies are changed, government and democracy have to be rebuilt.

      We are witness the extraordinary spectacle of the European Commission and Merkel morphing into dictators with Merkel refusing to change her disastrous course, to put her policy to a vote in parliament, resign or call new elections.

      The financial and economic system also has to be reset with the implementation of the Chicago Plan Revisited and the introduction of Sovereign money.

      The risk of conflicts between nation states in Europe need to be managed in the framework of cooperation. The people of all the European nation states need to pull together, also to main strong defenses.

      Foreign policy needs to be changed to stop the NATO wars creating so may migrants in the first place.

      Throughout this process, militia groups could be set up not just to ensure the safety of the people in their local area, but also that there are stockpiles of food.

      Plans have to be worked out to ensure there is fuel, electricity and water since the Globalists control most of these basic functions and can cripple any opposition just by turning these basic necessities off.

      Smart metres seem to be not only a health hazard but a security hazard. In Austria, at any rate, the smart metres are controlled by just nine centres, allowing for electricity, water and gas to be turned off selectively. For example, army barracks could find themsleves cut off while migrant homes could still be supplied, enabling them to be active.

      These are just some ideas that a military strategist familiar with history might consider given the current situation, although not endorsed by myself.

    2. É evidente que o terror é a arma dos que não têm poder, mas desejam exercer o poder perante as multidões.
      Por isso, o terror não exige uma base territorial para se exercer, mas necessita de uma base moral para ter consistência e para progredir.
      Nestas condições, é bom anular a base territorial em que ele se originou, mas é insuficiente para que ele deixe de agir.
      Se a anulação da base territorial se faz pela força das armas, a anulação da base moral é muito mais difícil e exige que as vítimas sejam coesas, preparadas para aturar, obedientes a um comando e que esse comando exista.
      Parece-me que estamos profundamente longe deste desiderato. Há que lutar muito para o conseguir. Há que, com todo o respeito mas com toda a veemência, chamar a atenção para o grave momento em que vivemos e convencer, converter, os comandos. Enquanto que para nós parece ser muito visível o caminho a adotar, um caminho que há que seguir sem hesitação, para muitos, entre eles e principalmente a hierarquia católica, o ideal está atuar como a avestruz: enterrar a cabeça na terra para não ver o cataclismo que se aproxima.
      Quanto a este ponto, se bem que não podemos para de aturar, temos de esperar que elas se tornem obedientes a Cristo.


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